||| watch | read | listen |||

just a few recommendations from me to you!

||| enjoy! -t |||WatchReadListen1

||| ya gotta see the baby! |||

alright, babies are cute. especially when they’re royalty. but at some point, can’t we all agree that babies are not much fun until they’re a little older? why is it a social norm to visit new mothers in the hospital? i feel like i wouldn’t want anyone near me after spending hours – or days- in labor. i digress… in case you hadn’t heard, the royal prince of cambridge was born today:

Royal Baby, Prince William and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge

okay, they’re pretty adorable! i am far more impressed by kate looking better after giving birth than i did on my way to work today, but regardless, super cute family (and that dress is so sweet!). while going through my typical train ride home routine (bloglovin’, facebook, the usual), i couldn’t seem to stay away from the royal baby-loving.

we’re all like seinfeld today. “ya gotta see the baby!”

||| my new things |||

||| my new things |||

It sure has been a crazy couple of weeks!  I got married, bought a new house, sent my husband off to a new job, and kept up my busy travel schedule for work.  Next on the list:  sell my previous … Continue reading

||| summer in chicago | taste of randolph |||

okay, i’m a little behind… but still had to share. how could i not with all of these amazing restaurants? below are our top pics from the taste of randolph this past weekend: thyme & oregano kettle corn from the tasting room, chips & and a hefty helping of quac from de cero, spinach arancini from marcello’s , tacos from belly q & a gorgeous view on the patio of city winery.
Taste of Randolph Chicago collage

||| mel brooks | lifetime genius |||

today is a special day in the comedy world. today, mel brooks accepts the AFI Lifetime Achievement Award. basically, i’ve wanted to marry mel brooks since i was 8. what? you wanted to marry johnny depp when you were 8? fair enough. anyway, mel is amazing. tara and i often speak in movie quotes, and at the top of the list is Young Frankenstein. he’s a genius.

here are some cute mel-inspired prints by Funny Face Art:

Young Frankenstein Poster

The Producers Artistic Poster

Spaceballs artistic postercongrats, mel, you’ve changed an industry.

||| memorable movie moments | wedding dresses |||

The wedding is pretty much the only thing I can think of at the time.  I am getting so excited and actually feeling very calm about the whole affair thanks to the helping hands of my superwoman mom and amazing maid of honor, Rachel (not to mention I am marrying the best guy who ever existed in the entire world–you should see him, he is totally cute).

I’ve been on a blogging hiatus for quite awhile now–the nature of my job usually allows for only one hobby at a time and for the past 4 months, the wedding has been my hobby.  Can’t wait to share the details :)!

Rachel and I are having a wedding movie marathon next Friday while finishing up a last minute project (folding napkins into bows!) and while I was researching what we should watch, I just had to share these memorable wedding dress moments from the silver screen.

Memorable Movie Moments - Wedding Dresses

check out more on our ||| memorable movie moments ||| pinterest board here.

||| what a beautiful day |||

well, here in the midwest with the rainy & gloomy springtime i can’t necessarily say it’s a beautiful day in the traditional sense, but each day brings something beautiful. it may take some digging to find. breathe, and enjoy the life you have. a while back, i took this picture of a businessman playing chess on his lunch break with a (presumably) homeless man. it was a lovely moment to see such a simple act change a person’s day.

this is a new song from Joshua Radin’s new album, Wax Wings. it kind of makes me want to frolic through a field of flowers, i’m hoping it’ll brighten your day:

Businessman playing chess with homeless man

||| brave |||

jamie came across this new song “brave” by sara bareilles this week. i feel it’s quite fitting considering this week’s horrific events. we could all use a little bravery at a time like this. i typically post the song alone, but this video is too cute. i hope it inspires you to be brave and to remember those brave souls who lost their lives this week.

||| rachel |||

||| things that make me nervous |||

inspiration comes from all aspects of life, including those which make you feel like a horse in a dog show. here’s the essence of that inspiration in list form:

things that make me nervous:

– sweaters with sleeves that are too tight

– people my own age who act my age

– yelling at the bus driver to open the back door

– people eating seafood

– explaining that I am not actually a vegetarian, just an extremely picky eater

– public affection

– when girls are angry

– the movie Spring Breakers

– doing simple math while people are watching

– music festivals

the list has led me to face my fears. i applied to be a lead volunteer at Lollapalooza 2013. yikes. *disclaimer* according to my parents, i’ve essentially been a 30 year old since i was 4.

||| extraordinary ordinary objects | the umbrella stand |||



||| 1. boots $79.95, z gallerie | 2. london undercover | 3. umbrella $59.95, pier 1 | 4. porcelain $88, overstock |||